Caricature portraits
for Gift

Art artistic gift for any occasion



Polecane strony


  • 21 stycznia - Dzień Babci
  • 22 stycznia - Dzień Dziadka
  • 14 luty - Walentynki
  • 8 marca - Dzień Kobiet
  • 26 maja - Dzień Matki
  • 1 czerwca - Dzień Dziecka
  • 23 czerwca - Dzień Ojca
  • 30 września - Dzień Chłopaka
  • 6 grudnia - Mikołajki
  • 24 grudnia - Wigilia

Nie zwlekaj z złożeniem zamówienia, bo możliwości produkcyjne są ograniczone. Na wykonanie każdego zlecenia potrzebujemy trochę czasu.


Zewecki Art

karykatury kontakt


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Gift Gifts

Welcome to our website. The site was created to help all stakeholders see the wide range of artistic services in our studio. Once customers were looking for us on the streets of St. Florian to order a caricature or portrait, even coming from other cities and countries. Now you can place an order via the Internet from home. Since 2008 we have our studio in St Szlak 14b / 2, where we can safely execute any order, caricature, portrait, picture, graphic. In any format, Any technique. The orders mainly adopted by internet. because of the large interest in our workshop, depending on the holiday periods must be place orders well in advance. Because the finished work consists of many factors, such as acceptance of the photos, payment, shipping time and days off. In the winter caricatures and portraits commissioned for a gift on the occasion of birthdays, anniversaries, Andrzejek, Claus, Christmas, Valentine's Day. In the spring, on the occasion of birthdays, anniversaries, Women's Day (mainly portraits), April Fools' Day, Mom and Dad, the wedding gift as a thank you for parents, the wedding invitations. In the summer, are focusing on weddings and wedding parties. autumn are weddings and birthday gifts.
Most-requested service is-


caricatures caricature caricatures 1 caricature to order black and white caricature

Black and white Caricature
Caricature in sepia on color paper
Caricature on canvas with acrylic paint.

portrait portraits portrait from photo

oil in canvas.
Portrait in pencil.
Portrait B&W
The technique of "dry brush"
Portrait of a color-crayon, watercolors.
Caricature from a photo
is a super versatile gift where you can put virtually everything from the scope of interests. Portraits are made in various techniques, pencil, więgiel, pastels, oil on canvas. Our offer is addressed to people who appreciate and like ztukę and crafts and to those who appreciate a good joke and joke as cartoons . Also welcome orders for graphic work, picture Ink, Painting Easel, copies of paintings, graphics Portraits computer, illustrations, storyboards for advertising agencies and film production.
We offer a wide range of photographic services-Advertising photography, Wedding Photography , Photo report Photo directory for online stores. Video reports with weddings and other special events.
Types of our sessions, and reports from events characterized by to its original approach and professional performance.
An absolute novelty in the industry Wedding-Marriage is offered by us cartoonist , which while playing a wedding does cartoons of your wedding guests. cartoon can be a great souvenir for guests of your wedding Caricature


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